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About Us

Who Are We?

We are the Personal Positivity Network, a group of individuals that got together because of our belief and commitment that life is better lived with a Positive outlook and attitude. We formed the Network to educate and promote the concept of living a life with Positivity and the unbelievable power that an individual can have over their own life if they learn the skills and mindset. The Pozzam Adventure was developed by the Personal Positivity Network for this very purpose, to help each person learn how to find and fulfill the incredible potential in each of them.

Why Personal Positivity?

Personal Positivity and Pozzam are intertwined in so many ways. Pozzam gives you the skills that unlocks the power of your individual Superpower of Personal Positivity. It’s the fuel that makes the Pozzam Adventure go, the spark that ignites the change you need in your life.
Pozzam is a comprehensive Adventure that works within and as part of the Personal Positivity Network over a period of time to train you and build up your skills, like anything you need repetition, exercises and pathways to help you build these skill and special abilities. All of the concepts and skills in the program build on each other and any can be returned to and reinforced at any time
It’s about building habits and new skills, seeing daily progress that encourages you to continue down your path of improvement and helps you think bigger and aim higher with each milestone reached.

How Do We Know It Works?

Sure, we’ve done the research, but Pozzam isn’t just about the theories behind the work. This program has come as a result of putting the theories to the test and seeing the habits, skills, and adventure produce astounding results time after time. Unlocking your potential, unleashing your Personal Positivity Superpower, fully embracing Pozzam, has changed our own lives. It’s helped us forge the path of life we want and to grab opportunities as they arrive. It’s helped us with career ambitions, personal development goals, and finding greater fulfillment every single day of our lives. We know it works because we’ve felt the transformation and seen the results firsthand. And we can’t wait for you to see them, too.

Unlock Your Potential