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The Pozzam Program

Harness Your Own Personal Superpower

Cultivating Personal Positivity in your life and utilizing the power it offers is an important step toward achieving your goals and creating the life you want. But so often we try band-aid approaches. We read a self-help book here, we listen to a single podcast episode there. We give ourselves little pieces of the overall puzzle without stopping to look at the picture we’re trying to build with those pieces, or taking the time to determine where they truly fit.
The key to unleashing the true power of Personal Positivity lies not in consuming content, but in acting on it, incorporating it into your life on a daily basis to create sustainable change. That’s the beauty of what we accomplish together. The star of the Adventure is YOU. Your success is fully within your control. You want to do more than practice Positivity. You want to BE Positive. Pozzam creates a structure that makes it easy for YOU to accomplish that and achieve your goals.

The Pozzam Adventure

Actions speak louder than words, which is why we’ve created an Adventure rooted in meaningful action to complement your learnings. When you sign up for Pozzam, you get much more than a list of ideas to “be more Positive.”

You get:

  • A 24-week, focused, Guided Adventure with 12 detailed Guidebooks proven to shift your entire outlook on life and what you can achieve.
  • Exercises designed to change your habits from the inside out
  • You will learn how to deal with setbacks and adversity in the Guidebooks and with the help of the Personal Positivity Compass.
  • Pozzam’s Personal Positivity Roadmap and the Guidebooks will help you create a goal-setting structure that creates a road map for you to achieve more every day, leading to achieving some really big goals.
  • 1 year Full Membership in and access to the Personal Positivity Network
  • Access to our award-winning Resource Center, full of Adventure Bonus Messages and Guides, to help you stay on track, get back on track, and take your Positivity to the next level
  • A community of like-minded achievers who are taking this journey alongside you
  • Daily touch points from Pozzam to inspire, challenge and celebrate your progress and prepare you for next steps


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View Our Guidebook #1 Sample Content

Why Pozzam Works 

We’re not about keeping Positivity out of reach. We’re not about letting it remain a concept that you struggle to wrap your mind and heart around. Pozzam works because it makes Positivity and success tangible, and it makes it Personal.
The Superpower of Personal Positivity can’t exist without your personal connection to it. It’s why we focus on uncovering your purpose, your why, your driving force at the start of the program. Even though we work toward Positivity permeating every corner of your life, we know that sometimes it’s easier to start on your Pozzam Adventure when there’s an X that marks the spot on the map you’re heading toward. That’s your connecting point – but that’s just the beginning.
We’ll remind you of your purpose daily, and we’ll create a structure that makes it easy for you to build your Positivity muscles, to put that Superpower of yours to use so you can achieve more, find greater success and deeper contentment. All from leaning into the power of Personal Positivity.
Pozzam goes beyond worksheets and “traditional” learning. It goes beyond reading a book and watching a video. Pozzam is all about implementation. It’s about providing you with the resources and community necessary to support that implementation until it becomes second nature.
Pozzam works because it’s within you – all we do is teach you how to tap into it every single day. That’s the kind of stuff that changes lives, creates new realities, and makes not only reaching the goals you’ve set, but every step along the way there so very worth it.

Unlock Your Superpower